Metecno España S.A. offer solutions for construction in the form of prefabricated elements. To fulfil their target of making products manufactured by MetecnoEspaña S.A. the market reference, Management establish the following fundamental pillars:
Metecno España S.A. offer solutions for construction in the form of prefabricated elements. To fulfil their target of making products manufactured by MetecnoEspaña S.A. the market reference, Management establish the following fundamental pillars:
Quality Management as a basic principle in the Company, establishing and developing a Quality Management System founded on Standard UNE-EN-ISO 9001.
Fully satisfy customers by fulfilling both the requirements they specify, and the legal and regulatory requirements and other internal requirements of the Quality Management System.
Fulfil regulatory requirements for health and safety in the workplace, making employees aware of the importance of Safety and Occupational Risk Prevention.
Offer competitive and innovative solutions in terms of service, quality and technology, in a mature and highly competitive market.
Make Company members aware of the need to fulfil the established Quality Objectives, relying to this effect on everyone’s participation and developing a continual improvement mindset in each and every position in the workplace.
Implement Continual Improvement in processes, products and services and consequently, in the efficacy of the Quality Management System.
Attend efficiently to specific demands of the markets in which we participate.
El alcance del SG que incluye Calidad (UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015) y Energía (UNE-EN-ISO 50001:2018) de Metecno España se aplica a la fabricación de paneles aislantes de poliuretano, producidos en nuestras instalaciones de Miranda de Ebro.
Los requisitos de diseño y desarrollo de la norma UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 aplican, aunque se ha de tener en cuenta que el proceso es contratado externamente.
Metecno España, S.A. ofrece soluciones para la construcción mediante elementos prefabricados.
La Dirección,para cumplir sus objetivos de que los productos fabricados por Metecno España, S.A. sean la referencia en el mercado y de optimizar su desempeño energético, establece los siguientes pilares fundamentales: