To actively promote health and safety among our employees at work and fulfil applicable legislation in terms of occupational risk prevention, Metecno España, S.A. undertake to fulfil existing Occupational Health and Safety regulations, by complying with a series of measures that can be seen below.

Assess each job in the workplace and implement the corrective and preventive measures required to eliminate or minimise any risks.

Encourage employee participation in occupational risk prevention.

Foster and encourage all our employees in relation to the risks inherent to their jobs, and the preventive measures they need to adopt.

Promote the coordination of business activities in relation to occupational risk prevention.

Adopt and maintain the necessary dispositions to guarantee an efficient response in case of emergency.

Investigate all occupational accidents and implement the measures required in order to avoid their repetition.


  • Avoid risks.
  • Assess risks that it has not been possible to avoid.
  • Combat risks at their source.
  • Adapt the job to the person.
  • Bear in mind technical evolutions in workplace design and in Corrective or preventive measures.
  • Replace what is hazardous with that which is not or which is minimally hazardous.
  • Plan prevention activities.
  • Prioritise collective over individual protection.
  • Give appropriate instructions to employees to guarantee that they work in safe conditions.